Who we are

About us

The vision

To promote the transformation of the nonmetallic ecosystem in Saudi Arabia, the GCC region and globally, in a collaborative business environment, supporting the entire turn nonmetallic industry and supply chain.

The mission

  • Help member companies across the value chain to grow locally and be more competitive globally
  • Support the ecosystem to promote nonmetallics as sustainable alternatives to conventional materials across sectors
  • Facilitate and support technology driven innovation and research
  • Act as an advocate for the nonmetallic industry regionally and globally
  • Develop a reliable workforce through training and knowledge sharing

Structure & Operating Model

Steering Committee

Responsible to set the vision, mission and strategy.

  • Develops strategic plans and makes decisions
  • Monitors financial health
  • Meets every quarter, and elected on a yearly basis

General Assembly

Ruling body of the association, empowering the steering committee with responsibilities to manage the association

  • Elects and dismisses Steering committee members

  • Approve activities and budget for the coming year

  • Decides on amendments to the association Charter

  • Comprises of all members, and meets annually

Executive Committee

Responsible for implementing decisions made by steering committee and general assembly.

  • Manages general operation and day to day activities
  • Oversees the initiatives designed and implemented by the working groups

  • Reports to the Steering Committee
  • Full time employees with a 2 year contract

Working Groups

Technical councils formed as task forces to address challenges and opportunities thematically or specifically.

  • Serves as a forum for dialogue, interaction and action
  • Arranges own activities and reports to Executive Committee
  • Works on project basis, dissolved after completion
Structure & Operating Model

Membership & Industry Representation

The association provides unique advantages to a variety of stakeholders. This exclusive value will maximize membership interest and traction across the value chain.

  • Members across the whole nonmetallic value chain
  • Large companies will be the key anchors for the nonmetallic association and will speak in one stronger voice
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will benefit through various platforms to grow non metallic business
  • Government authorities and non profit organizations will be offered the opportunity to join as partners
Membership & Industry Representation

Funding Model & Expenses

annual budget

The budget of the nonmetallic association should be assessed based on the overall vision and objectives of the association.

  • Memberships fees (40-60%) will represent the majority of the nonmetallic association’s income
  • Trade shows and conferences (20-30%) will also be an important source of revenue through delegate registration fees and sponsorships
  • Other revenues (20 30%) will consist of training programs, publication sales, fees to access data intelligence platform, funding of specific project.
annual budget

annual expenses

Annual expenses of the association are reviewed every year by the Steering and Executive Committees, and voted by the General Assembly.

  • Majority of the expenses will be linked to the day to day operations of the association
    • Wages and labor costs (30-50%)
    • Office related expenses (10-20%)
    • Administrative expenses (5%)
  • The development and implementation of the association projects, events and advocacy activities (20-30%)
  • Annual expenses should match the total revenue, as the nonmetallic association is a non profit organization
annual expenses